Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Happy 9th Birthday Peyton!

Well I cannot believe it little Peyton is 9 years old! What a blessing....

Now in Peyton's words....

I like to play doll house with my sister Parker.
My favorite food is Pepperoni Pizza.
My favorite thing to do is give my sisters a ride on my tricycle.
I really like horseback riding and swimming lessons!
My favorite book is Silly Sally!

My dear child who didn't speak until she was 5 years old! She had such a hard time as a little one and now she is blossoming into a beautiful young lady. She has lots of talents and loves to sing , dance and is good at school. She has over come so much to come so far...I think God for this little princess!


Lisa Smith said...

Happy Birthday Peyton!
We love you!

Miss Lisa, Julia, Alyssa, Hunter and Palmer

Hendrick Family said...

Happy Birthday Peyton! We love you!


Mrs. Heather and all those boys

Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

Happy Birthday Peyton
We love you!!
Ms. Kathryn, Michael and Alex

sdfs said...

I thought her birthday was next week!! I need to bring her present!! But I wont be by tomorrow,because I have to work and then I'm babysitting :( I'll have to bring it to the church maybe...I can't believe she's 9.... and she actually looks and acts like a 9 year old!! AMENNN!!!

What time are ya'll going to the country Saturday...I dont know if I'll make it, but I can bring her stuff by!!! That country driving wears me out!!

sdfs said... I thought she was eating a cupcake! NOT!!

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