Monday, February 26, 2007

Washing Machine

So this morning when my wonderful, sweet, good looking and loving hubby was trying to pack the ugly truth came out.......

My husband had no clean underwear or socks (1 pair of socks with holes which he pointed out will be lovely when he has to take his shoes off at the security check point!) for his 4 day trip to Ohio.
  • My kids have no socks!
  • I am down to my last pair of underwear!
  • There are no pinks...we have girls 80% of our clothing is pink!

HOW....HOW...HOW ...Lets account for my activity:

Dallas Mon-Wednesday night...home on Thursday....Friday Space Center Houston Homeschool Day...Saturday...Country picnic, Little Christopher's Birthday & visiting with a neighbor, Sunday Church....MONDAY NAKED Folks!

So as always friends are welcome to come by anytime. But today you may see a little naked behind.....

Titus 2:5 " be busy at home"

This is such an atypical week for me but it reminds me that my main job is to be busy at home! I need to be more thoughtful and make sure my duties at home are "done". These duties to my husband and children are the most important things I do each day! They are the main way I glorify God!

Happy Homemaking...I've got to get back to the laundry

P.S. Do not worry I got a load washed and dried for Wayne so he has jeans, undies and socks for his trip!


Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

It's amazing how quickly things can catch up with us...fortunately God is just as quick to remind us!!!

Jennifer Bacak said...

I know, my laundry has a life of its own! If I don't do 2 loads a day, I'm in trouble, just like that! I should go fold some now!

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