Thursday, February 22, 2007

A learning lifestyle....

I've said it before we have really enjoyed homeschooling the kids, perhaps because we have always had a learning lifestyle but homeschooling has made it more directed and focused. Definitely because God clearly called us (Wayne giving the girls an impromptu lesson in geology) to it! I am a 'Charlotte Mason' (CM) type homeschooler with a classical bend (translation: we read lots or real books, avoid textbooks and have a schedule that covers a lot of topics including art (Monet right now) and music (Mozart right now)). Schooling like this was a huge shock to me because I thought surely I would be more textbook/classical and rigid. But God has clearly lead me to CM. I like CM because I can turn most of our trips and activities into educational experiences with just a few books! Every morning we lay in bed together read Proverbs and then Wisdom and the Millers which we follow with 2-4 picture books covering topics we are studying which right now are about Poetry, China, Earth, Monet & animals. I love this first hour of "school"!!! The next thing I like about CM is she encourages 'practical' experiences ! So when we were in Fort Worth we went to the Zoo it was fabulous the kids have not been in a couple of years and we had such a good time. We have been reading Animals do the strangest things by Hornblower and now they got to see the strange things up close and in person. The kids were so excited screaming and giggling as another animal came to life. What's our next big learning adventure...probably planting some flowers in the front yard (we've got to get this house sold). What CM has taught me is that everything is a great learning adventure from taking out the trash to launching the space shuttle and Bible has taught me that every moment is an opportunity to point out how God has made such a variety, such great beauty and is intertwined in everything! NOTHING is an accident!

He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end. Ecclesiastes 3:11

I hope as they head into their lives after walking with God, Wayne and I that they have seen, heard and experienced so much of God's beauty that they recognize it and are in awe of it and of Him! I hope that they become seekers of Him. Because we can have no greater joy than to know our kiddos are walking in the truth.


Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

So very cool. God is awesome.

sdfs said...

I'm still sad I couldnt go to the zoo, I have NEVER been to the zoo.

I think I would be Charlotte Mason too...I can't even imagine actually homeschooling! I def. think it's the best option if you can, but ME! Oh gosh!!

I'll be seeing you tomorrow afternoon :o)

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