Thursday, March 01, 2007


Today my two big kids were riding their big wheels in the cul-de-sac while the little one ran around and I was running, blowing bubbles and yelling "My bubbles are gonna get you!!!" This was so much fun, they were all laughing and giggling and Pearson was of course also drooling... I was thinking about just a few years ago I would have never been doing this...I would have thought it boring, immature, irresponsible to chase kids while yelling and bubbling! I can praise God for the changes in my life. For a changed perspective and for Biblical eyeglasses.

  • And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:3


Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

Praise God for silliness and children!!

I want to see you run around blowing bubbles, I bet your neighbors loved it!!

sdfs said...

Why dont you ever chase after me with bubbles? I'm still a child, I havent even gotten out of my teens yet!!!

Anonymous said...

I love the way you play and teach the kids.

You are a great mommy!

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