Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Ministry Update...Lockwood Family Christmas Boxes

The Lockwood family is a missionary family located in Mexico and they have requested Christmas Boxes along the same lines as the Operation Christmas Child Boxes. We made 5 bags, one for each of our children. Accordingly, we made 4 girl bags and one boy bag. Instead of boxes I made bags because we thought the children would enjoy the bags to keep their treasures. This is another chance for our children to experience hands on mission work. We'd love to see you join in this work with us but most importantly we'd like to encourage you to join with the Missionaries around the world as they bring the gospel to the nations this Christmas season and throughout the year.

Here is the link to the Lockwood's Christmas Boxes.

We'd love to hear how your family celebrates Christmas through giving especially creative things families can do together.

I hope this post is an encouragement to your family, may the Lord shine his Face upon you!


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