Tuesday, February 23, 2010

It's not about me...

We have had a rough year with lots of painful and joyous transitions in our lives. So it has been a big blessing finding a curriculum that doesn't just add God as a side note to what we are studying but instead we have seen our studies as part of a rich tapestry and Him as the weaver. It was such a blessing as we opened our family time during unit study (using My Father's World American History) that the Lord just gave me such a precious gift as we studied Jesus as the only way. It has dovetailed so beautifully with the sermon series at our church. Today as we were reading the verses in Matthew 7 I was so powerfully reminded that my life is not about me and that God has a plan for our family. That he knew we would read this passage this day and it would strengthen my faith and that of our children as they see practical examples of God's hand in our families life.

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