Friday, September 25, 2009

Studying Natural North America: Hands on projects

Well, the school year kicked off with a unit study project. We reviewed for 2 days and during the review we completed a project we missed at the end of last year: Canadaian Maple Cake.
The kids had a great time measuring and pouring and operating the mixer.
Let me tell you this cake will send anyone into sugar shock. Make a yellow cake then pour a cup of maple syrup over the top and cover that with a cup a sugar. No wonder the Candaians are so happy they are all on a sugar high! I lowered the amount of sugar by half and I could feel the sugar rush! Please do not look directly at the cake Rusty cannot prescribe enough insulin to save us from thing! The kids of course keep asking when we can make it again and can we make it for their birthday party (lets see 10-15 kids super sugar crazed children swimming...not in this lifetime)

Parks just looked over my shoulder and asked can we make some more...poor kid is going to have to settle for banana bread made with honey!

Happy Schooling,



Mrs. H. said...

Love it! "Please do not look directly at the cake"!!!

not hallie said...

HAHA. I can't believe you gave them that much sugar :) They are all so big!!
I'm to steal some meal planning and recipe ideas from you! I'm having trouble getting shopping efficiently! I really want to try that butternut squash soup you posted...
Happy weekend :)

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