Friday, August 03, 2007

McVay's are getting adjusted

Okay, Lynsey has inspired me to take my blog up a notch! Here is a photo show for the current status of the construction and life at our humble abode. Its been great being out in the country for the last few days! We've got our water and electricity up! Now,we are heading toward our first weekend in the country and I am already noticing how our life is a little different. We started school on Tuesday Peyton is in 3rd grade and Parker is in Pre-K. I am still trying to get the hang of organizing my life so I am not wasting time go to and from town. Plus we are still without our fridge, freezer, washer & dryer in Wayne's supped up shed!

Seriously, he will have the best shed ever once the house is built and all of our stuff is out of it! He will have water, electricity, 19" TV(we've had since before we were married it just won't die!) and a window unit!

We are really enjoying being out on the land finally! Thanks for checking up on us!


5 Chicks and a Farmer said...

I LOVE the slide show. Mucho props to you girlfriend.

It looks like things are coming along out in the country. I've had to learn a lot of things about living in the country. The biggest two being you have to plan ahead for everything and the other.....RUBBER BOOTS RULE!


texasmcvays said...

Boy, you are right about the planning. Last week we left the house without a thought in the world about the evening...we had horseback riding lessons (Peyton is going to ride in Special Olympics) at 6:30. Well I had to go all the way back home to get jeans & shoes for the girls! We are really becoming some planning fools since we are trying to come into town only 2X week!

We love our rubber boots! I think rubberboots should be handed accross the table as soon as you decide to move to the country!!!

Williams Family said...

Yeah for the Mcvays!! I know you can do the planning Kyle. You are amazing like that!! Ok, what are you teaching Parker? I want to start pre-K with Anika but don't know what to do or where to start or found resources. Give me all your secrets!!=)


Jess said...

Yeah for the slideshow! I've been observing Lynsey's for a couple of weeks now and thinking that it might be the next suped up thing I add to my blog.

I'd love to see you guys this weekend! Britt mentioned you might need help roofing the shed on Saturday? If so, maybe I could help?

Miss you all!

Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

Great slideshow, it is like an old silent movie!!!
I am glad that y'all are getting adjusted and enjoying it.
Get the planning down pat and you will have it made!!!

Jennifer Bacak said...

Y'all have taken this blogging thing to a level I'm not sure I can handle.
I love the slideshow!
Emma takes horse back riding lessons also! She rides at Carousel Acres. She has been doing it for 2 years now and loves it! Does Peyton enjoy it?
Good to get an update on you, friend!

pbmciver said...

hahah...Kyle, you have such a way with words (souped up shed, lol). Love the slideshow - it is just beautiful there where you are building. I am sure it is very quite and serene - God's wonderful creation. I am pretty new to this blog stuff, lol. I started mine a few months ago, but I haven't been on too regularly. I just don't have the way with words that you all seem, but I am giving it a try at any rate, lol. I love reading all ya'll blogs and hopefully it will inspire me to post more. Well, it is time for me to pick up Justin from school now so I better go.

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