Thursday, December 11, 2008

Let it Snow.... (global warming?)

"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build" Eccl 3:1-3 and yes there is even a time for snow in Texas!

This ain't yer ordinary Texas winter!!! As you can see it's not exactly Tahoe snow but we will take what we can get! When Micah got here this morning Donna informed us that it was snowing. So we woke all the curlies up bundled them up and sent them outside. Our first tragedy was Parker decided that she wanted to jump on the trampoline without her boots. But we warmed up her tootsies and back outside she went without even a call to the good Dr. B. In case you are wondering why I posted a picture of a ball of snow on the ground....That is a Texas Snow Man! They were so proud. Immediately after the picture in which they are holding the snowballs PK announced "Snowball fight!"... and pegged her sister dead in the middle of the chest with her snowball. Now that's a picture I would of liked to get. Finally, little PH made her way out of her cozy comfy bed (okay we shook her, picked her up and dragged her out of bed, she normally sleeps until about 10 am) and we captured this 'impromptu' shot on the side of the trampoline.

Today, school will be delayed a bit and the day will be savored a little longer. On days like today it's easy to be joyful as I see my curlies eyes light up as they see the snow and make a snowman.

BTW....Al Gore where are you why can't we find you it's snowing in central Texas! Additionally, this has been a very cold fall & winter for us.

Letting it Snow,

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ahhhh, someone who knows Tahoe snow! All of my Texas blog buddies reported getting snow, we did not get one single solitary flake!!! What's up with that?

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