Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Light of the World!

With Christmastime upon us I wanted to encourage you to find ways to lower your bills this month and focus on Christ as the light of the world!
  1. Buy a timer ($11.96 at Wal-Mart) for the lights on your house. I do not know how many times we put the lights on and forgot to turn them off. We have light on the house and also have mechanical deer for the front yard (Albertson's after Christmas Sale for like $5 each reduced from about $50! ) so keeping them on for an hour or so is great and programing the timer so the kids can see the lights when we come home is even better! I do not know how much you could save but I know our light bill has gone up as much as $80 (during an irresponsible year!) Estimate $35 in savings

  2. Buy a timer for the lights on the tree! Estimate $5 in savings

  3. Why go to Santa's Wonderland (22.50) and a hayride ($39.80) when you can enjoy the lights at Christmas in the Park & take a free hayride at Central Park in College Station. for free Save: $62.30
  4. Look around your house and replace as many incandescent lights with compact florescent lights. Yes, the McVay's are happy to GO GREEN when it is saving some GREEN! We have over 50 lights in our house, we have so many lights we cannot get an accurate calculation on Midsouth's electric savings calculator! I had six 100 watt light bulbs over our bathroom sink I replaced them and the total wattage went from 600 watts to 72 watts, less then one 100 watt bulb!! So for 40 light bulbs using 100 watt lights for 5 hours a day it costs 70.57 by simply switching to compact florescent the cost is $19.05 a savings of 51.51 per month and 618.16 per year Save: $618 a year!

Total Estimated Savings: $720.30

I'll try to post a picture of our Christmas house soon! Now, make the changes and save the money and buy some chickens or a Water Buffalo for a family in need and make a difference in their lives for Christ and let His light shine!

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