Friday, December 12, 2008

2 McVay Christmas Traditions

A Christmas Carol
We love to read and read & read some more over here at Rooster Hill so one of the things we do every Christmas is read Charles Dickens a Christmas Carol. It's a great story of redemption and it gives us the opportunity to discuss how even the greatest sinners can be redeemed! We will also discuss how this is the picture of repentance that Scrooge does an about face and turns away from his wicked ways and become generous lover of people.

Coloring...The Night Before Christmas (Dover Coloring Book)
Perhaps we are not smart enough to do a puzzle instead we color! Each year we write our name, age and year on a page and color. We can only color for 15 minutes at a time to avoid scribbling (from the kids and adults). When we pull it out we all enjoy going through the book to look at the pages we have previously colored!

These are just two of our fun Christmas Traditions we think it's so important that as Christians we do not beat the fun out of Christmas. Now hear my heart my kids know that there is no Santa and that Christmas is about Christ. I want them to remember all the fun we had reading, coloring and sitting around as a family in Christ's month and that he is our head and that He is loads of fun.

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