Monday, August 18, 2008

Menu Madness at Rooster Hill

This is what we've been eating the last couple of weeks!

Monday - Chicken Marsala, buttered pasta, brussel sprouts
Tuesday - Chicken pot pie (make an extra for our retrun from the Homeschool Conference)
Wednesday- Pork Dijon, rice, veggie, homemade rolls
Thursday - Out to dinner (Galveston)
Friday- Out to dinner (Galveston)
Saturday - (freezer meal) Chicken Peperoni Pasta

Monday- Steak (T-bone or Ribeye depending on sales), Steak fries, salad "Birthday dinner"
Tuesday-Country Style pork ribs
Wednesday- Beans & Rice
Friday -Out to dinner (Texas Homeschool Conference)
Saturday- Out to dinner (Texas Homeschool Conference)
Sunday - (freezer meal) chicken pot pie

I know ya'll don't go into shock we do eat out or "high on the hog " just mostly on birthdays like August 11th and when we are on vacation.

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