Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Family Time

This is so much fun and it is effective to both teach children new people from the Bible and to see what they know. We hadn't played this game in a while and this time I sat on the couch writing down all of the People of the Bible I thought they should know. We have read through the Vos Child's Story Bible (By far the best Story Bible I've seen including the Golden and especially the Beginning Bible because everyone is so cartoonish) and we are working through it for a second time and of course we read the "Holy Bible" So next time we'll have a small pile and I'll just keep adding to it! During the game I 'ask questions' like "Are you a baby?", "Are you in a boat?" "What is the weather like?" to help the kids get their wheels turning! What fun this sort of family time is as we get to go deeper together into His word, training up our children in the way they should go. I included babies especially for Pearsy and her limited acting skill at 2 and she had a great deal of fun as Baby Jesus & Baby Moses. The pictures are of Jonah who right after this shot falls out of his "Ship" swims around starts to drown and then very dramatically is swallowed by the fish! The other one is Pearsy as a very happy Baby Moses.


Mrs. K's Lemonade Stand said...

That's a neat idea for a game! I've never heard of it before. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Kyle....I found your blog! Sweet! My blog is secretagentswife.blogdrive.com

Love!! CeCe

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