Thursday, July 12, 2012


Our precious Shoo!

I've never seen a kid so happy with their tomato soup. As you can see he is also wearing it!
 Making sure he didn't miss any!
 Looking again in case he may have missed some!
Why not eat the bib there has got to be some soup on it!

Okay, they were all laughing so hard when they were doing this while sorting laundry!
 Bubba in the basket was all full of giggles but wouldn't let anyone put the box over his head!
 ShooShoo under the basket was all full of giggles but wouldn't sit in the basket.
Sugarpie is wearing an insulated shipping envelope on her foot and it's been mostly on her foot for the last 3 or 4 days. Each time she notices anyone looking at it she a wonderful story to tell you about how her heroism lead to her broken foot.


It seems Bullet & Sugarpie "fell" into the pond during a 'rain storm' and then ran around outside like barbarians for an hour or so! I was a meanie Mama and  wouldn't let them in the house until they were drier, at least not actively dripping.

All in all, a pretty regular and fun week.

Go to Like Mother Like Daughter to find more folks finding contentment in the everyday!


Lori said...

Love your pictures! Cute kids and love their happy smiles. I live in Texas too. Thanks for visiting my blog. :)

Unknown said...

How cute! I just love the story about falling in the pond during a rainstorm. Too funny. :)

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