Wednesday, July 11, 2012

God Bless America

We enjoyed a very fun and relaxed 4th of July party at a friends home. During the party we all prayed for our nation which I thought was particularly wonderful.
Bubba & Shoo enjoyed themselves mostly because that pesky Bubba just wouldn't stay in one place. So everywhere he went Shoo was sure to follow screaming "Bubba!"
 All the kids were thrilled to see the joy jump! Wayne was especially pleased to see the spread,pork & beef ribs, 4 kinds of sausage and a variety of potluck sides then followed by an amazing selection of desserts.
After a while the Texas heat became too much and the 6 and under crowd went in the house to recuperate.

So the babies still aren't really thrilled with fireworks and we lite them 2x per year! This picture looks like this because as I was taking it as I was desperately running backwards holding the upset twins.
The good news is the big kids absolutely loved it!

I hope everyone had a fun, fruitful  and fantastic 4th of July just as we did.

God Bless America, land that we love!

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