Monday, April 02, 2012

Joni & Friends Family Retreat

I do not talk about it much but our oldest child has Autism and I was listening to Nancy Leigh DeMoss'  radio program and they were discussing Joni Erickson Tada's Family Camps. These are camps where the entire family gets to go and your disabled person (child or adult) is matched with a short therm missionary who tends to the needs of the child all day.

picture from Joni & Friends McVays are having fun in this picture :(

I cannot even imagine spending a day without thoughts of 'what is she doing?', 'where is she at?', 'is she okay? are they okay?' etc.... Or a day with out the eye of judgement but instead of acceptance and even love???

Anyway, here is the information I hope your family is able to go and if you do get to go please let me know how it was! For those of you that know families with disabilities encourage them to go if they are financially able.

Please let us know if your able to attend, how it was.

Encouragement in Christ!

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