Monday, October 24, 2011

Versatile Blogger Award

Thank you Jennifer at Little Homeschool on the Prairie for honoring me with

The Versatile Blogger Award!

Needless to say, I am thrilled.If you haven't visited her blog drop by and say howdy.
Here are the rules for this specific award: Thank the one who nominated you and link back up them.

Share seven things about yourself with your readers.

Pass this award onto fifteen newly discovered bloggers and be sure to let them know about it.

So, here goes…Seven Things About Me

1. I am a big supporter of Christian Films.

2. I call my Bible 'Lovie'.

3. I married a boy I meet while in College.

4. We want more kids, I didn't think I would want a whole gaggle of children and we do! 

5. I didn't think that I would like homeschooling and I love it.

6. My favorite place is at home.

7. We want to travel more to see the country and our families which are in California, Michigan & Illinois.

Here are the newly and not so newly discovered blogs that I think are truly deserving of the Versatile Blogger Award! My computer crashed recently so I am not going to be able to nominate 15 blogs but I'll do my best...


Unknown said...

Thanks for the award!!

Mrs. H. said...

Thank you Kyle!! :-)

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