Wednesday, October 26, 2011

God's Grace Alone

This is from, A Sane Woman's Guide to Raising a Large Family, I hope you find some encouragement and enlightenment in it too...

"As a mother of almost twelve, I can say with all certainty that the most amazing part of having a large family is the fact that it drives you to your knees before the Father so often.  There is no self-delusion that you can somehow "be enough for your children...that you can somehow meet their needs because it's apparent 24/7 that you can't. Becoming a parent exposes flaws I might never see otherwise. Each child reflects just how well I am doing and with so many, its pretty much like living in a carnival house of mirrors. It can be cripplingly humbling sometimes, but it keeps me dependent upon His grace and His grace alone."

I'm not enough,  each day is a reminder that I am dependent on the Lord for all things.

May the Lord wrap you in His Everlasting Arms!

1 comment:

Autismland Penny said...

Yup, sometimes I have to pray to just get through the next minute. His Grace is always sufficient!

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