Sunday, October 23, 2011

broken vessel

With the addition of the beautiful twins to our little family we have grown from a family of 5 to a family of 7. What a blessed treasure they are after all the Lord tells us children are a blessing from the Lord and I prayed often during the year that the Lord would bless us with these children.

Please know it is my hearts desire and my hearts longing to become more like Christ walking in 1 Thes 5:23...

"May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" 1 Thes. 5:23

As more children have come and as we pray for more children, for more blessings, I wonder is His grace sufficient for me?

Before I only thought I was tired when I had 3 little ones. Now, I know exhaustion and my prayer life even consists of prayers to wash dishes, bathe one more child, kiss and encourage a few more times as I feel a wave of exhaustion falling within rising within me like a red yellow sunset in the horizon, I too want to lay down. 

How often I have read His word where it says we are to pour our lives out like a drink offering. It's repeated often througut the Old Testament and New Testament and I remember wondering what was that like? Well, I do not now think I know what it is like to watch your life flow gently from the glass like a stream of pure water into the lives others. I only think I know better what is to be empty broken vessel desperate for HIM to fill me up!

I am currently comforted and encouraged by the sweet old hymns as I go through my day and currently one favorite which says it so well that it is well with my soul! Which to me translates to this is no time for a pity party, your soul is doing well and that is what matters.

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