Monday, June 20, 2011

2011 Bible Bee

This summer we decided to participate in the Bible bee. The Bible bee is a nationwide event that seeks to encourage children and families to hide God's word in their hearts.

 The first part of the Bible bee is scripture memorization.  First you pick which translation of the Bible you want your kiddos to memorize: ESV,NIV,NASB NKJ, KJ and there maybe another one. There are three levels of Bible Participants Primary K-6, Junior 6-8 & Senior level contestants they memorize from 3 -30 verses a week. A Timothy Track contestant that is not competing on the national level would memorizing 3 scriptures a week.

The second part of the Bible bee is the Sword Study where you complete an in depth study of one book of the Bible. This years book is 1 Peter. The children are also suppose to write out the entire book of 1 Peter. Though this sounded a little daunting to me it's really only 9 verses a week or almost 2 each day. At the end of each week we have a "bonfire" which is discussion of all the things they learned over the previous week.

Now to aid us with our scripture memory and the sword study we purchased the scripture memory CD  which has the scripture set to music. We also purchased the sword study drill CD which is a computer drill/game that helps the kids learn their verses and their Sword Study. They really enjoy both of these items but especially the Sword Study Drill CD.

The final and most important part is prayer. The children are encouraged to pray each day and to have a "secret" (which for my kids mean they are up in a tree) place to go and pray.

The closest Bible bee to to us is nearly an hour away. Which is a good distance however we only meet as a group once a month. So once a month we drive to our meeting and meet with like minded folks all seeking to lead their children and to hide the word in their children's heart. All of us are seeking to know Him better through His word.

Although, I knew this was going to be a large commitment I do not think I was prepared for the level of commitment this requires on a daily basis by our family. Part of the  problem is that I had not done it before so I did not have a game plan. I had to purchase the Scripture Music and Sword Study Drill after we started studying for the contest. They have an option where you buy these items and they send the out the same day your study materials are released. Right now I am in the process of creating a game plan since we are behind in everything! Ha! But you know what we are all really learning a lot! We really like this program and we have already seen the fruit in the lives of our children. We really feel like we are sowing seeds for the future in the lives of our children. We are even prayerfully considering being hosts next year.

If you have questions about Bible Bee I'd be happy to answer them to best of my ability. If you participate in Bible Bee I'd love to hear what you think about it! May the Lord Bless you as you seek Him!

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