Friday, June 24, 2011

6 Ways to save money

6 ways to save money at the grocery store

  1. Avoid mixes...instead of buying Bisquick type mix, pancake mix, muffin mix, bread  machine mix (which is super expensive) make your own from scratch. In doing so you save both money and avoid the fillers added by companies to make their product taste or look better. has a lot of affordable mixes.
  2. Make a written menu or meal plan for the week. We also have a two week breakfast / lunch / snack Meal rotation.
  3. Make less trips to the grocery store. The less time you are actually in a store the less money you can spend!
  4. Set a grocery budget and stick to it! Of course you may need to make periodic adjustments with the birth of children or children who need diapers / no longer need diapers etc... Be willing to set and keep your budget at a reasonable level for your family. Only break it in emergency situations (this may mean leaving $5-10 in your envelope for the unexpected pot luck! or medicine purchase!)
  5. Don't let left-overs go to waste! Either remake a dish such as potato pancakes from left over mashed potatoes or use left over rice to make, rice crust for quiche or rice hot cereal or bean & cheese burritos!
  6. Learn to cook & eat well. If you cook well the temptation to go out to dinner is greatly reduced. Cooking well is often accomplished by learning to follow the directions on a recipe and keeping & finding great recipes ! Eating well is really just enjoying your time at dinner together with all the talking & babies screaming. Make  your table a place you can't wait to get to at the end of a long day apart.
"A prudent wife is from the Lord" Proverbs 19:14 May the Lord guide our steps as we seek to joyfully & thankfully make the most of what He has provided your family.

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