Thursday, March 31, 2011

90 Day Bible Reading Challenge

raising olives buttonRaising Olives is having a 90 day Bible Reading Challenge that starts April 1st which is in like 2 minutes. If I had not been such a chicken I would have announced it earlier but if you'd like to hop on board I'm sure they'll still take you, hopefully. Although I have read through the Bible several times I usually take about a year to a year and a half to complete it. I have really wanted to try these 90 day schedules but like I said I'm a chicken. A dyslexic (yes it's true) chicken with a garden, chickens, house & 5 kids to distract me I mean take care of! HA! So if you see me ask me how I'm doing and if you join please let me know so we can be brave together. If Sugar Pie was awake she'd Remind me "the Lowrd did not gift you a pirit of fear but of powwew and wuv"
May the Lord bless your time in His word!

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