Tuesday, February 15, 2011

52 weeks of organizing week 6- Hall Closet

hall closet before

Welcome to organizing on a dime, though I love to see all the really cute stuff out there that helps us to get organized but Roosterhill has limited funds for organizational projects at this juncture. So this week we reorganized a closet with the things we had on hand!

 This is the before picture isn't that pitiful for months we haven't been able to close this door all the way for months. It really irritated me but the thought of stopping and reorganizing it was too daunting. I only have a few hours in between naps with the twins and homeschooling. But when I undertook this challenge it was because things had to change! By under took I mean I asked our Dear Bethany if she could organize this closet for me.  She did a great job organizing it and she labeled the drawers so the kids should be able to more easily put their things in the right drawer. 
  1. She removed the little yellow bin to the left of the white plastic organizer
  2. put the white plastic organizer back together and labeled the drawers
  3. Remove a huge bag of random bags  and organized the remaining bags into a single backpack hanging on the rail
  4. Organized and put all the games on the top shelf
  6. We removed some Christmas decorations that were in the closet and relocated them to the Christmas boxes in the attic.
  7. removed a flower arrangement that was in the closet and moved it to the living room. I think it's headed to a garage sale soon. Because fake flowers collect dust and I don't like to dust.
Look at that there is a floor in that closet, who knew! Also the door shuts, all the way without force. 
Well next week I am working on another problem area, well more like an eye sore, in our living room. entertainment area and I promise I will do my own work next week. Ha! If you want to check out some more homes moving towards organization you can go to orgjunkie's 52 weeks of organization!

1 comment:

Leanne said...

It looks great. I'm hosting We're Organized Wednesday through Saturday ans would love for you to join the party.

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