Tuesday, February 01, 2011

52 weeks of organizing: week 4

 This year I am getting the Casa organized! And participating in Orgjunkies 52 weeks is like have an online decluttering encouragement group! So here are some of the things I worked on this week:
  1. We are organizing all of the boxes in the attic.  We numbered all the Christmas boxes and I listed the contents of each box in an excel spread sheet and placed the spread sheet in my home management folder. We have already numbered some of the many boxes of children's clothes and shoes that are in the attic my goal is to have all the boxes in the attic numbered, cleaned out and organized.
  2. I am continuing to cull items off of my desk. I went through the pens and got rid of the ones that don't work, put homeschool items back in their area & gave Wayne the tire gauge (?). He was actually excited about the tire gauge and said, great now we have 3! 
  3. Tomorrow, I will be loading things into the back of the Suburban to take to my friend Rachel's house where we will have our garage sale sometime between now and May. This will eliminate a lot of clutter in the house and in the shed. When the weather is more temperate we will start pricing the items in the shed.
  4. I organized the piano books and moved all the 'out of use books' into the bench and put the 'in use books' on the basket on top of the piano. I also removed knock-knacks and paddy whacks off the top of the piano.
  5. I am finishing the planning for the end of this year's homeschool year. Additionally, I am ordering and printing Scope & Sequences for next year.
  6. We have meals planned through May which is the end of soccer season.
  7. Finally, I am working on completing my list 52 weeks of organizing list so I can make a focused effort to get the casa organized.I was running out of ideas  but luckily my dear husband is helping me with it and  it turns out he has all kinds of good ideas.
Hopefully by next week I'll figure out how to download the pix's off the camera onto the computer.Ha!

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