Thursday, January 27, 2011

Homeschool Curriculum Review: My Favorite Homeschool Ideas CD

I recently listened to Debi Pearl's CD 'My Favorite Homeschooling Ideas'. This CD was very encouraging reminder that school should be fun and that the children should enjoy their education. I did get a few ideas from Mrs. Pearl's experience but the main message of this CD is that we should approach school with an eternal perspective and always remember to enjoy our children. We should remove curriculum that cause conflict between parent and child and we should focus on making wonderful homeschool memories with our children.
This CD does not contain any doctrine, its just a Grandma giving those of us in the trenches some good advice. I will listen to this CD periodically to refocus me when I forget to keep it fun & eternal while I enjoy and love the children I'm schooling.

If you have any questions about the CD please post them in the comments and I will do my best to answer them promptly.

Happy Homeschooling!

I know the Pearls are very controversial. I neither support or decry their teachings accordingly this blog is not going to be a symposium of gossip about the Pearls. Such comments will not appear, however,  per Matthew 18  if you have an issue with or about the Pearls, they can be reached at .

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