Sunday, June 27, 2010

Moorehead Blueberry Farm

We had a great time picking blueberries at Moorheads Blue Berry Farm in Conroe. This is the little stand you start at. You walk up to the guys under the umbrella and you request either a large or small bucket. They give you the run down on where you can pick and how you should pick in between flags (I didn't really pay attention following and knowing all the rules is Wayne's job I just know there were flags!). They also didn't care about eating blueberries while you were picking which is a good thing because the kids ate a bunch

So after we stopped here  went into their 20 or so acres of blueberries! I wish you could see all the folks were sharing the path with the place was packed!

Then we picked some very tasty blue berries for about 2 hours! The kids were not very successful pickers and this was like living in Blueberries for Sal!

But in the end we had 17 pounds of blueberries! We gave a couple of pounds away as gifts and we still have plenty to last us for the rest of the year. Did I mention these berries are only 1.50/#, yes mam! This was a great experience the people are nice it was somewhat shaded in the blueberry bushes as we were picking. You cannot beat the price!

I hope you are having a fruitful summer too! hehehe

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