Saturday, September 19, 2009

School Started

Well, at Rooster Hill Academy we started school at the end of August and we have been chugging along.

We are using lots of new curriculum's this year and on the first day of school I threw out two curriculum's that we used last year and I just couldn't use it again. The first curriculum I ditched was Christian Light English. Now, mind you I really like this curriculum and I think it will be a great curriculum for a motivated independent learner, but that's not my sweet Peyton. This would be a better fit for Parker but RHA does not do formal grammar with 1st graders. Last year she would take upwards of 1 hour to complete a lesson.
After attending the THSC homeschool conference and listening to several people speak about grammar and hearing folks talk about thinking about why you are teaching children certain things. It really gave me pause to continue with such an intensive grammar program. Additionally, they pointed out that kids learn the same grammar every year for up to 10-12 years. That the students could learn all of the grammar they need to know in one intensive grammar year! For students that want to write professionally then you should provide them with additional grammar training.

So far this school year has been lots of fun especially with Pearsy learning her letters, sounds and how to write. I hope you are all having loads of fun too!


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