Thursday, February 21, 2008

Prayers of a Righteous Child or ribbit

We've all been intermittently sick over the last few weeks and this week Peyton woke up with a scratchy voice.

While we were eating breakfast Parker looked up at me and said, "Mom we should pray for Peyton's voice"

I was so pleased, I was nearly speechless. I finally said "Yes, Parker we should pray for Peyton's voice you are right. We should pray for everything!"

So little Parker bowed her head and said, " Dear God, Peyton has a froggie voice and she shouldn't have a froggie voice she should have a people voice. Please give Peyton her people voice back.....and if you don't I'll tell Jesus on you! AMEN"

She knew she had to call on someone with power you could hear in her voice she was running through names in her head (Daddy no, Mommy no, Ohhh Jesus he's got the power) ...So funny. By the way just two days later, Peyton no longer sound like a froggie.

The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. James 5:16b

Little Parker got to see her powerful little prayer answered. What a generous blessing the Lord has given her (and me) to see her prayer in action. I love these little teachable moments that provide a window into their soul, an oppurtunity to place one of God's truths inside.


(Yes, I did inform her we do not threaten the Lord our God but instead we go to Him in prayer and petition)


5 Chicks and a Farmer said...

I love that childlike faith! How adorable.

Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

Alex does that when something is wrong with Michael, he feels very compelled to pray.

I love it and I love my Parker!!!

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