Thursday, November 08, 2007

Why I love Awana....

My prayer for my children is that they would delight in the Father's laws(Psalm 119:174) and my hope is that I can see them walking in the truth.

The other day we were having school and Parker looked at me and said, "Mommy you're beautiful. I know it because: "God is truthful" and "God mad everything beautiful". I was stunned I just stood there looking at her...I know that I am not responsible for my child speaking like that!The Bible tells us we should speak to each other in Psalms and hymnns (Eph 5:19) , but a 4 year old? I should know by know his word never returns void!

Now I love Awana's because those are verses straight from Awana's Cubbies. To see the Lord working in her little 4 year olds life like that was breath-taking. At home we tend to focus on family & salvation verses like Ephesians 4:29, 6:1, Acts 6:31 ....Awana's compliments,enhances and improves on our studies! I praise God for Awana's, leaders, helpers, listeners and all.

"...speaking to one another with psalms, hymns and songs from the Spirit. Sing and make music from your heart to the Lord,..."Ephesians 5:19


Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

I love AWANA's and I love Parker!!!

It amazes me how much these kids can learn and then to hear them speak Truth is the best.

When I take the boys to school we always go past this one bus stop with a little boy standing there by himself. The other morning at the stop sign Alex starts waving at him.

Michael being the cautious boy he is said "stop, he is a stranger". Alex pops up and says "the Bible says we are to love everyone, right momma"

I said "that's right"!!

Lisa Smith said...

So cute and wonderful!
Amazing to God change our children and make them wise in their youth!!

Ya'll settled in yet?

Miss you.

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