Wednesday, October 10, 2007

My Strong Arm Women!

Proverbs 31:17
She sets about her work vigorously; her arms are strong for her tasks.

Please notice the kids (Yes, all three!) filled Mike Cmj....'s huge trailer by themselves. I was reminded of the verse in Proverbs that Heather mentioned in her blog some months back. At our home having all girls the most important education they get is in how to be good and virtuous wives. So when we decided to save some money in construction by doing our own clean up, they of course are going to be part of the process. We did not realize how much they would actually do! Since this is hard labor and outside of the realm of normal chores they are receiving compensation (In the form of baby dolls and accessories). It's been a great blessing to see how their desire to have babies and raise children is growing in their little hearts.

I've posted a few pictures of the house. We are about 6 weeks away from completion.


pbmciver said...

WOW - it is beautiful Kyle. I know you must be so happy that your home is about finished. Can't wait to get invited over to see...hehe.

Rachel said...

I can't believe you are so close--it looks great! I'm so excited for you!

Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

What good strong girls you have. The house is absolutely beautiful. I know you are thrilled.

sdfs said...

I can't wait to come sleepover for girls night :o)
Looks great!!

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