Wednesday, September 19, 2007

We're going country.....

Here is the much requested update. Well, the house is coming along. We are about 60 days out at this point. We are soooooo happy we choose Bill as our builder. If anyone out there is planning on building we really recommend him! We are really enjoying living in the country, the kids love catching frogs and playing with bugs etc... Please pray with us as far as how we can use this place to glorify God! If you have any ideas let us know & if the Lord reveals anything to you track us down like dogs and let us know!

Thanks for stopping by Y'all!!!


Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

How awesome, it is a real life house!!

I will be praying but I know God will show you exactly what to do with it, probably step by step.

Jess said...

The house is looking beautiful, Kyle!

5 Chicks and a Farmer said...

Yippy! An update.

The house is super great! I know you will be a blessing to others as you seek to find ways to use your place for ministry.

I love the wood siding. It looks like a great farmhouse!

When you get ready for those chickens, give us a hollar!


pbmciver said...

Beautiful and serene looking.

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