Monday, July 16, 2007

Where is the Party IV

Well we are still in the Lazy G RV Park in College Station. We are preparing to move to the country at the end of this month. We are rapidly approaching the storage deadline and it looks like we may make it. Wayne refereed football last weekend and will be going on a fun work trip to Florida this weekend. So he'll have to take Monday & Tuesday of next week off to move stuff from storage to the property. Also to finish the nearly finished shed. Last week the frame for the slab went in so now we have actually begun to build. We are moving the trailer onto the land hopefully on the 26th of this month (we have to be out before the 1st or pay rent again). One minor electricity or water, yet. So keep praying for us that everything falls into place so we can make the two new deadlines.

Yee Haw!

1 comment:

Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

Still praying...know the party is fun!!!

Thank you so much for ordering the books, I can't wait!!

Love you!!

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