Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Where is the Party III

We did not make it but we are making great progress.

The shed has almost all of it's rafters, we have put the walls in on the inside. Mr. Bill Moss (who is builiding or 1500sq foot palace) order and put in the road base stuff so now we have a useable driveway! We have one property line completely cut in and we are about 1/2 done cutting in the other property line. But most importantly we have money!!!! We signed our construction loan!!! We should start construction on...Thursday ish it's all dependent on rain!!! So there's something to pray about that perhaps Carlos area would not get so much rain!!!!

We still need: Electricity we are just waiting on Mr. Crenshaw, Water we need to get a ditch witch and put the pipes down, Roof, doors and windows on the shed & Move the trailer out to the property. Our new deadlines are the 23rd for the shed and the 28th for the trailer!

Fun family stuff...Walnut (the Lab puppy) is fitting right in and he so much fun! We are getting ready to have fireworks at our place on the 4th hooray!!!! Finally, I am still without a phone.
Keep praying....


Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

Still praying.

Glad to see things moving along.

When I saw you yesterday in the van, before I saw you, I saw the cross on the rear view mirror and I said to myself "that is a Cubbie craft"!!!!!!

So funny.

5 Chicks and a Farmer said...

How is life in the country??? I hope you are enjoying it as much as we do.

We have learned that it is a much slower process getting settled in the country. We've been here a year and their is still sooo much that needs to be done.

There is always something fun and exciting going on.

Hey, I didn't know if you knew this, but I started a blog on our farm adventures!


See ya!

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