Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Well I am getting wiser and and realized I can cherry pick photos off of my digital to put them on the blog. So now you can see the work in progress. To the right is the monster shed project we have been working on forever and the girls are standing in the form for the slab. So now our house is starting to be constructed. We are building a mini mansion of 1500ish square feet its a little bit smaller than our house in town. We are building off center so we can add bedrooms as we are hoping our family will grow. Also we officially have electricity on the property as of yesterday...WOOHOO!

Here is what is next.....
1. Finish a little more of the shed...yes it still is not done! But all of our stuff is in it and we do not have to pay for storage...praise God because I've had to pay our first construction loan payment!
2. Getting the water (get a trencher, trench & lay pipes) scheduled for this weekend.
3. Move the trailer from the lovely (it is a cute little park) 'Lazy G' RV Park to the property. Get electricity and water into the shed
4. Finish the shed......

My life right now is a big whirlwind. We are always running here or there and we have not really been able to sit still all summer. For instance today we went to the movies, Krogers, post office, bank, Reynolds & Reynolds (hubby's job), Ouida's House (laundry and computer access) and at least 6 phone calls organizing things for the property and the birthday party. Really, my only rest as of late has been my quiet time. We are slowing down next week....its not optional. We are going to be still and KNOW that he is God.

On that note I think it is so hysterical that I am reading Exodus right now and I feel just like the Israelites wandering around and unfocused.... I love how Exodus just keeps reminding me how easy it is to get my focus off of God and how all he wants me to do is to love Him ( andthus obey his commands).

This weekend is Parker's Birthday she is going to be 4....I cannot believe it!

Thanks for checking up on us....


Jess said...

No! Parker is not allowed to be 4 years old. I forbid it. It was just yesterday that she abandoned my crawler classroom in the preschool cause she just HAD to start walking. I cried that day. I will always remember it. She will forever be Parker Poo!

I'm glad to hear that things are moving along out at the new place. I will continue to pray that everything goes according to schedule and that God holds off the rain so that necessary work can be done.

I miss you McVay family!

Kathryn, Michael and Alex said...

Wow Happy Birthday Parker, it was just yesterday you were still in your momma's tummy.
Your girls look really natural standing out there in the country.
I will keep praying for things to fall into place and more still times!!!

5 Chicks and a Farmer said...


Here is to moving day!

I can't wait to hear about your adventures.

Love ya!

Jennifer Bacak said...

I hope you are getting the chance to stop wandering and be still. And happy late bday Parker. I love this girl!!! I have enjoyed her so much this summer in Music time. Your family is a blessing to us!

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