Thursday, May 17, 2012


Since I have started participating in this link-up I have often found my self truly enjoying (and looking for) the shenanigans of the kiddos and being remorseful that I did not have a camera in hand. Not because I thought "oh this is perfect for PHFR" but because I wanted to remember this or that moment. This week the moment I missed was the babies eating freshly pulled carrots in the garden with their little dirty faces because they helped dig out the potatoes. So incredibly precious...

There is contentment and joy here in our home.


So this is not typically pretty but it represent ORDER and ORGANIZATION which is currently lacking. I am getting our laundry room (tall white laundry baskets) in order, organizing the clothing in the attic with the large gray tote and using the small clear tote to organize and store away un-used/not currently needed (like teach your child to read in 100 easy lessons) books in the attic. For the past few months at the start of each month I've been buying 3 totes & 1 laundry basket. I bought a little bit extra this month because I'm in the zone. I am PRETTY excited about it! Okay so next week I'll do a better job finding something pretty!

Shoo-shoo the walker!
This week our youngest child (one of the twins) finally started walking just shy of her 2nd birthday.

Sisters splashing

Bubba a sliding machine!
Free Friday Family Fun night at T.W. park  where we ate a picnic dinner. This park has a Splash Pad & a ear by playground. So after the kids got done splashing around we headed over to the playground for more fun!

A real man coming to the rescue of his women!

Yes, more snakes. This one was in the hen house. We are really going to have to get a couple of cute fuzzy little kittens to start taking care of these things!

To find more folks finding contentment in the everyday head over to Like Mother Like Daughter!

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