Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Frugal Auto Mechanic: Uses for used Motor Oil

Recently my husband asked me to look up ways to recycle used motor oil and here is what I have found:
  •  Waste oil heater. http://journeytoforever.org/biofuel_...earth/me4.html
  • Treats mange on animals.
  • Used oil heater is a good one.
  • Soak rusted mechanical devices.
  • Treat metal that is always outdoors.
  • Spray as undercoating on vehicles.
  • Paint a wooden fence to preserve and keep critters out.
  • If you have a diesel motor and filter the used motor oil down to one micron, then you can simply add a little to your diesel fuel to cut your fuel cost a bit. Been doing this with a 6.2 Blazer for the last year. I add approximately one gallon of filtered used oil to 26 gallons of diesel.
  • put thru a coffee filter and used as bar lube 4 ur chainsaw too...
  • I use it for bar oil, and in an old riding mower that just burns oil anyway....
  • I've used it to coat machined parts in storage too.
  • in blacksmithing i think you could use it for 'quenching' hot iron to harden it. ***There were some warnings that this could cause a fire, I do not know anything about blacksmithing so be careful****
  • I use it on burlap bags wrapped around a rope for wild hogs.Make the "oiler" where they can rub their backs against it and get oiled.It lills fleas and other parasites.Hogs ain't stupid,they can smell this stuff for miles and will come to it.Keep the oiler well soaked and you have a great attractant to help put some pork on the table. Leave it set up and keep it wet until you have a lot of hog sign before you start hunting it.
  • My neighbor mixes it with creosote and paints the garden fence with it.
Googled Links of interest
How to Filter Used Motor Oil & Make Diesel Fuel

This post was  based on a discussion on the Survivalist Board amongst a bunch of men. I am not mechanical so my suggestion is to research anything you do before you do it. I can not be responsible for you blowing stuff up, hurting yourself etc... Oh,if I were you I might also check if it's even legal to keep the stuff around.

That said I think we will be saving our oil around here and seeing what we can do with it!

Who knew???

Frugal 'Survivalist' Automotive Blessings!

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