Wednesday, November 02, 2011

WHAT you're having another kid????

Here is another quote from, A Sane Woman's Guide to Raising a Large Family. This particular quote is a quote within the book...

"Many Christian families are surprised to discover that even their own mothers worry about their family expansion plans. Elizabeth Elliot missionary and inspirational writer confessed to struggling with the news of her daughter's pregnancy.

"When I learned that my daughter Valerie was expecting number five, my insides tied themselves in knots. Val and Walt were both very peaceful about it willing to receive this child as they had received the others-as a gift from the Lord.

But my imagination ran to the future and its seeming impossibilities-"Poor dear Val. She has her hands more then full. What will she do with five? Before she was married Valerie had told me that she hoped the Lord would give her six . I had smiled to myself, thinking she would probably revise that number after the first three or four.

Practical considerations rose like thunderclouds in my mind. Money. Another room to be built onto the house. Homeschooling)(Valerie was teaching two already! How would the new child receive the attention she needed? Why all this turmoil in my soul? Well, because I loved my child she was tired! Her hands were full!"

Elliot went on find peace with the thought of the new child by the time the baby arrived, she was greeted with joy by everyone including Grandma. But many women report similar reactions, Relatives often need time to get used to the idea! "

So ladies, I suppose if Elizabeth Elliot struggles we should simply expect our families to struggles. My prayer is that they too would come to understand that children are a blessing!

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