Saturday, November 12, 2011

Celebrating Fall Traditional Tastes

I love simple traditions that are frugally, joyfully and easily completed. Some recipes are sometimes traditions can be so expensive that we'd have to skip them because we are on tight budget. Each year I buy the pumpkin creamers as soon as they hit the shelves. This frugal creamer recipe is being added to our fall traditional tastes. As we turn off the thermostat and the leaves begin to turn from deep green to rust we begin to think of all things fall. Then McDaddy and I wistfully long for the familiar flavors of fall. So McDaddy and I will enjoy pumpkin flavored coffee in the morning while the kiddos will savor some pumpkin flavored hot chocolate.


1 cup coffee creamer

1 cup powdered sugar

4 teaspoons cinnamon

2 teaspoons nutmeg

2 teaspoons ginger

1 teaspoon cloves

makes two 1/2 pint jars

This recipe is from my real life friend  Mrs. H at Heritage Schoolhouse

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