Saturday, July 16, 2011

Gospel Link

As dinner was rolling around, it was faux Chick-fil-a night at the casa, I was getting very excited. The kiddos were setting the table, placing babies in seats and DH was making plates.  We finally all sat down to dinner and began to eat and about 1/2 way through I was able to let the kids know we were able to join in the work of Gospel Link. We passed around pictures  of the family we would be committing to prayer as well as monthly assistance. Most of you are probably laughing but we have never been able to do anything like this before. Thus, I am so excited to actively participate in the gospel internationally.

"The vision of Gospelink is to provide as many people as possible the opportunity to hear about Jesus Christ and to help them to grow spiritually.

There are great spiritual needs throughout the world. It has been estimated that between 15% to 25% of the world’s population is beyond the present proclamation of the gospel message. That means over one billion people still need to hear the gospel for the very first time!

Of the world's 6.8 billion people, there are over 1.2 billion Muslims; 1.02 billion who claim to be non-religious; over 800 million Hindus, and 775 million Buddhists and followers of other Eastern religions. The Bible proclaims that Jesus is The Way to eternal life and that there is no other name whereby mankind can be saved. By their own profession, the followers of these other religions do not recognize Jesus as The Way. They do not recognize Him as the Son of God. As such, they cannot possess the salvation promised in the Word of God."

photo from Gospelink's website
 We choose Gospelink for a couple of reasons:
  1. Gospelink preachers provide quarterly reports to their sponsors. Our hope that the quarterly reports will serve to strengthen our families faith as we read.
  2. You can write to Gospelink preachers and they may write back. Though we do not plan to send many letters.
  3. Because the cost to support a national pastor is a fraction of the cost of supporting a foreign born missionaries. This is not to say that we will not support an American Born missionary as some time as the Lord leads us.
  4. They have an orphans ministry.
  5. Because they have other opportunities that would allow our family to do ministry together.
I  am still so excited and we are looking forward to other opportunities the Lord shall bring forth.

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