Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Meal Plan ...Tuesday :)

Sunday - This month for fellowship meal I've been preparing Rosemary & white bean soup & Mac&Cheese
Monday(Soccer Practice)- French Country Dinner, mixed veggies and Hawaiian Bread
Tuesday - Pizza with Salad
Wednesday - Beans & Rice (or garden greens)
Thursday -  Honey Curry Chicken, couscous, tossed salad & bread
Friday - Bean & Cheese Burritos (using Wednesday's left overs!)
Saturday - Leftovers

May you find a prudent use for all your groceries this week!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I love your meal plans! They inspire me:-). I think of all things mommy-hood... meal planning trips me up the most. no idea why. Maybe I just think too much. We do a honey curry chicken... we call it chicken diablo and its cooked with potatoes.. one of our FAVORITES.

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