Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jonathan Edwards on time well spent

"Some diversion is doubtless lawful; but for Christians to spend so much of their time, so many long evenings, in no other conversation than that which tends to divert and amuse, if nothing worse, is a sinful way of spending time, and tends to poverty of soul at least, if not to outward poverty: Prov. xiv. 23. " In all labour there is profit; but the talk of the lips tendeth only to penury." Besides, when persons for so much of their time have nothing else to do, but to sit, and talk, and chat, there is great danger of falling into foolish and sinful conversation, venting their corrupt dispositions, in talking against others, expressing their jealousies and evil surmises concerning their neighbours; not considering what Christ hath said, Matt. xii. 36, " Of every idle word that men shall speak, shall they give account in the day of judgment.""

This is from one of Edward's Sermons, Christian Knowledge, that I am reading through and thoroughly enjoying. May this encourage you to make sure that your Monday through Sunday are fruitful!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Funny part about this statement is that he didn't even have facebook or twiter back then =) Same problems =)

FUNNY we just studied J Edwards too!

We don't live nearby but have TONS of family to visit... have a nice day

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