Friday, November 12, 2010

Hanging laundry is like going to church

In the country my life seems to move slower then when we lived in town. gone are the days of 'running' to the store or going out to dinner on a whim. Our natural transition has been to slow down and wonder why the leaves are still on the trees. I look forward to hanging laundry and visiting with Pearsy in the mornings. I just love the smell of line laundry.

Hanging laundry is different from drying it. Hanging laundry isn't a race, its slow methodical there is no timer on the laundry line you can only hang so much, wash so much each day. It's slow in the winter and faster then the dryer in the summer (this is Texas!). When you hang it you reminisce about the items you own. The quilt with the red squares was made by a young couple in our Church Home Group for Parks 7 years ago! There are two white crocheted blankets on the line one from Jessica Bolding's Mom she made it for Pearson and the other was from Pastors Wife (aka Kendra) I do not know if she made it but we sure do enjoy it. An ultra cute burp rag from the Bevers and there are a couple of sheets given to us by the our friends the Curless', they are always so ready to share. These folks and many others make the fabric of our church that is interwoven through our lives.

 We always thank God for all of you and continually mention you in our prayers. 3 We remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Thes. 1:2-3

May the Lord bless you this day as you find things for which to be thankful!


Mary Q Contrarie said...

I also love to air dry. Since I live a little farther north than you I find that there is more time when drying outside is not appropriate. I have a couple great clothes drying racks that I use in my house. I just think it is such an easy way to be respectful to the earth and to slow down and really enjoy the things that we have.

Autismland Penny said...

I am thankful for my dryer! lol
Really, I hate to hang clothes outside and I live in Florida so how sad is that. A good friend once shared with me that she prays for that family member when she folds their clothes. I strive to do that but sadly I don't do it often enough.

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