Monday, August 23, 2010

5 Signs of a Virtuous Wife

Here is an article from Generation Cedar that challenges us to examine ourselves.

5 Signs of a Virtuous Wife

Now that you've read her article what do you think about her 5 points:
1. She does her husband good and his heart safely trusts her.
How can we live this out in our lives? Are we telling our friends all about the bad things our husbands does so we can receive their sympathy? Or are we reserving those sort of heart to hearts conversations for our Lord? The Lord who will make all things clear including our own yucky contributions to the situation?

2. She feeds her family well.
What do you do to live this out for your family? Is your family meal table a priority?

3. She is a strong and vigorous worker.
Do we cower from the hard work that needs to happen to run our homes or are we meeting it head on? Also are we strong, have we kept ourselves in a physical condition that enables us to meet these challenges?

4. She helps those in need.
How do we meet the real needs of the poor in our communities?

5. She dresses well and with dignity.
I was reading an article that talked about how Jesus was hard to find in a crowd. Thus he was neither dressed in an antiquated way or in all the new trends. Simply stated if he was a trend setter or centuries behind the times he would have stood out like a sore thumb but remember he had to be identified with a kiss and pointed out in a crowd! So how are you walking the fine line between attractively dressed and Vogue Magazine (or whatever magazine it is now a days that depicts the current trends)?

Have a blessed day and may the Lord Shine his face upon you, your family and your household this day and every day as you seek after him.

Rooster Hill

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