Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Daily Light on the Daily Path

I picked this book up at an Above Rubies retreat and I would like to recommend it to y'all. This is just a little devotional book that can be read in maybe 5 minutes. "Designed around a biblical theme, each morning and evening devotional will give you new insights into powerful spiritual truths." This book lacks the thoughts of man and is just full of the Word of God.  Though this is not my a part of normal morning routine this wonderful books serves  two purposes I read it on days when my life has gone wrong and I am pressed for time and I read it in the middle of a long or difficult day with the children.  At the conference it was suggested that it could be used for a family devotional and I can see how this would work well. The daily devotional is broken into two parts, a portion to read in the morning and one to read later on in the day. What a blessing and encouragement its been to me on the long summer days as I have reached for it to help fill my mid-day cup with God's sweet words!  Ladies victory is ours if we just claim it. Stay in the word! Do not be discouraged! The Lord your God is with you!

1 comment:

Tina Hollenbeck said...

Hi! I found you on the MFW Blog Roll and look forward to getting to know you. I hope you can stop by my place, too:

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