Thursday, June 03, 2010

"How does your garden grow" : Herbs

Right now we are full swing preserving the herbs. There have been many years where we have wasted the herbs and vegetables because we did not get them canned, frozen or dried. This year as we are moving toward self sufficiency we have about 10x as many veggies growing. I am blessed to have Jessica living on our property with us and helping us to preserve the harvest.

So today I asked Wayne to put some nails up on the porch so we can hang our herbs to dry out side. I am also going to put up some sort of drying rack in the house too. As we currently grow:
  1. Marjoram
  2. oregano
  3. thyme
  4. lemon thyme
  5. basil
  6. dill
  7. fennel
  8. mint
  9. apple mint
  10. sage
  11. parsley
  12. lemon balm
and I've killed cilantro about 3x now! There are two different ways to dry herbs according to Mountain Rose Herbs you either hang them to dry or put them on a screen to dry. So the ever hardworking and super handsome hubby both found me a screen and put a few nails up so  I could  hang the herbs.

So as I was hanging the herbs I was stung by a red wasp! Parker sprung into action getting me an ice baggie and a towel to wrap it in and we applied tea tree oil/oregano to the wound. Wayne went out and killed the wasps with the our most potent poison as a punishment for their wickedness! He also hung the dill and the sage for me as I was nursing my wounds.

So if you have herbs to preserve I recommend going to Mountain Rose Herbs and reading their very informative article and keeping a bottle of wasp spray & tea tree oil near by!

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