Thursday, May 13, 2010

Homeschool Continuing Education

Today it arrived in the mail and I am so excited. This is frankly one of my favorite times of year as all the new school books arrive. As all the boxes arrive! To me it means the last year is about to end and it's time to start planning for the new year. So many things have changed over my years of homeschooling and I finally feel content and hope to truly take hold of the Savior's promises in our homeschool especially contentment which the Lord calls great Gain ( 1 Tim 1:6) . So this is the first year I am not searching for any curriculum and I am not making any drastic changes. We are streamlining and we are starting to move into a large family model of homeschooling as we eagerly await the arrival of new child(ren) to our home.

To that end each year I try to buy something that will improve my teaching or understanding of homeschooling. Last year I purchased Christian Homeschooling Foundation and Practices from Christian Liberty Press. I wrote a review about which you can find here.  I also purchased a book called Evaluating for Excellence by Communicators for Christ which has helped measure progress. This year I have purchased Managers of Their Schools: A Practical Guide to Homeschooling by Steven and Teri Maxwell. I am really looking forward to reading this book over the summer and I'll review it after I've finished. I would encourage you to continue to grow in your homemaking & homeschooling. Let me know what you think of these books or what action you plan to take to improve your school this year!

Blessed Schooling!

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