Saturday, May 09, 2009

I am not called to regret II

Repentance leads to fellowship with God and regret separates us from the Lord.
I know I had beat myself up over things I have done before I was a Christian over 12 years ago, I found myself mulling them over in mind and I was so regretful. In thinking about this pattern I believe regret shifts my focus onto myself and away from my Advocate. I some how displace him and attempt to save myself from the past sin.

Accordingly, Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines regret as “Pain of conscience” simply stated that I am thinking about my sin and I have become like Simon a captive to my sins. You know I have a Mighty and Holy God because I do not have to stay wallowing in the mud of regret I can repent.

19Repent, then, and turn to God, so that your sins may be wiped out, that times of refreshing may come from the Lord, (Acts 3)

If I repent I will be refreshed instead of being beat down by my own thoughts. It reminds me that the Lord is faithful.

Webster’s 1828 Dictionary defines repentance as:" 2)Real penitence; sorrow or deep contrition for sin as an offence and dishonor to God a violation of his holy law and the basest ingratitude towards a Being of infinite benevolence. This is called evangelical repentance and is accompanied and followed by amendment of life. "

To repent is to both the feeling of sorrow and the action of changing the way you live. With repentance God promises you will be refreshed (Acts 3:19) and that He will make His thoughts known (Prov 1:23).

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