Friday, April 17, 2009

Spring Cleaning Challenge! Mrs Meyers

My friend Mrs. H has been holding us accountable to a Spring Cleaning. She spoke at Mrs Meyers cleaning products and I asked her to bring some to co-op so I could get a wiff and check them out. Well let me tell you Spring cleaning is more fun with Mrs. Meyer's (Aromatheraputic Household Cleaners) we purchased Basil (Basil, parsley, black pepper & Eucalyptus essential oils) 'All purpose Clean Day' & Surface Scrub. The All purpose cleaner is concentrated and it takes 2 1/2 teaspoons per 24 oz bottle which works out to .10 per bottle! You can buy the surface cleaner at HEB for $4.99 for about 16oz so I think I'm getting a great deal for .07 more per bottle then my regular cleaner. I plan to use these cleaners for spring cleaning and monthly cleaning activities. Additionally, I hope to purchase the shower cleaner also and I may buy a bottle of the super expensive surface spray because I want to use the bottle for my refills I just love how these cleaners look (probably because the lady is in a skirt!)!

Well feel free to let me know how your spring cleaning is going!
Happy Cleaning!

1 comment:

Lori said...

What a great little blog you've got here! Very helpful stuff for the homemaker!

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