Wednesday, September 17, 2008

THSC Conference & Vacation

This year we went the THSC Conference and it was wonderful. I love these conferences because it recharges your battery for the upcoming homeschool year! The girls attended the 'camp' the conference runs for the children and got to play with and bond with other homeschooled kids. They can see they are far from alone and on the last day they put on a little presentation for the parents & they heard Hank the Cow Dog read by the author. Although I think their favorite part was staying at the hotel!

We purchased Konos there as an early post mentioned and I am happy as pie with it. I really like this project/literature based unit study. In Jessica Hulcy's class she discussed the value of memory making while schooling and how unit studies can contribute to that. I can already see how having the whole family on the same page is beneifiting the kids. Wayne also enjoyed the sessions for just men and the ones we attended together. The added bonus is now he is very actively involved in their schooling. If you are planning on homeschooling or if you do homeschool I cannot reccomend more highly the attendance at these conferences.

1 comment:

Mrs. K's Lemonade Stand said...

I am ALWAYS for recharging my battery! LOL
The older I get, the faster it seems to run out! :)

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