Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I can't have anything nice....

I just bought this beautiful wreath for my front door about 2-3 weeks ago. I just love how it looks so country and blends in with the feeling up here at Rooster Hill. On the way to church on Mother's Day I looked up at my wonderful wreath and noticed it looked a little messy and I assumed the kids had somehow done something to it and then hung it back up hoping Mom wouldn't notice. I immediately remebered a friend of mine saying: "I can't have anything nice with these kids around." But when I got back on Sunday night I noticed it wasn't the poor accused sweet little angel babies. It was a bird! Apparently, the wreath also looks like a lovely place for a nest. So, maybe now I'll have something wonderful a wreath and a bunch of baby birds, Oh and by the way we are studing bird nests in science right now...Look at how the Lord provides!

Being Thankful always!

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